For the next little while, I'll be posting writing prompts taken from Victoria Hanley's Seize the Story. We bought two copies of this book, because one isn't enough for the aspiring writers in our home. I noticed great growth in Sarah's and Meg's writing thanks to this book, which is why I am now going through the exercises myself. (Because, frankly, it's a little humbling to do Nano with your daughters and discover to your delight and distress that they are now writing experts and you, gasp, need to work on it).
When I'm done these exercises, I plan to listen to Brandon Sanderson and others' podcast Writing Excuses, because, again, it's been so good for Sarah and Meg. But first, today's exercise.
So, from Seize the Story, today's prompt is:
Think of something you wish you had the nerve to say. Now imagine a character who could easily say this thing you can't. Think about the character for a few minutes. Try to see him/her with your mind's eye. Now interview him or her. Like you would if you were a talk-show host. You don't have to ask him/her about that thing you wish you could say, because, of course, then we would all know what you're wishing you could say and that might be personal. Probably is. Or you would have no trouble saying it. Just ask them whatever you want. Get to know them. For 1/2 an hour. Post the interview here.